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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster recognized by Wisconsin DMV

Pastafarians, the group of religious followers that observe the Flying Spaghetti Monster as its deity of choice, won a major battle this week in Madison.

As reported by Channel 3000, the Division of Motor Vehicles in Wisconsin is now instructing employees to allow colanders as appropriate headwear in license photos.

Wisconsin would not be the first state to allow pastafarians this right – officials in Utah, Texas and Massachusetts have also allowed strainers to be worn in their DMV photos as well.

Just another ordinary day in Madison, I suppose :-D

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Capitol Auto Credit Honors Our Veterans

Capitol Auto Credit wishes to honor all service members, past and present, this Veterans Day.

We thank those that have served us, as well as those who continue to defend our nation both domestically and overseas.

Thank you for your service and dedication to our nation. And to everyone else, please take a moment to thank a Veteran that is close to you on this day.

Our Veterans display inside our building